Thursday, January 12, 2012

North Korea claims Kim Jong Eun mastered driving at age 3

There's been no lack of dubious claims for us to raise our eyebrows at over the years, whether it's about some fantastical car reaching the market on schedule and on budget, the veracity of a concept car's space-age powertrain, or reports of a blogger actually stepping outside and into the sunlight. But this one, like all glorious claims of the past – may their memory bring honor to their country for a thousand years to come – takes the proverbial cake.

In an ongoing and largely futile effort to show their recently and rapidly promoted supreme leader as the experienced governor and all-around superhuman mastermind the rest of the world doubts he is, the so-called Democratic People's Republic of Korea is painting one heck of a picture of Kim Jong Eun. According to North Korea, the scion of the late dictator Kim Jong Il was already driving a car at age 3. Impressive, but what's more is that he could apparently speed down a dirt road – rally-style – at speeds up to 75 mph by age 8.

It may be too early to tell if Eun has achieved anything of consequence in between having mastered driving while still in diapers and assuming control of a totalitarian nuclear power, but we can tell you this won't be the last dubious claim that we'll hear from his office in the near future.

Source: Autoblog

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